
Our Congregation

Worship Service—Sundays at 10:30 A.M. (Worship service at 9:30 A.M. from June - August)
Sunday School—9:30 A.M. (No Sunday School from June - August)

We hope you will also consider joining us for Sunday School, Sunday morning worship or for one of our other activities. Our small congregation welcomes everyone! Parking is available on both sides of Fruit and Park streets near the church. We ring the bell when worship begins, but it is no problem if you are running late; our ushers are available to hand you a bulletin and help you find a seat. Our worship services usually last about an hour.

ZMC is a member of Central Plains Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Church, USA. We are very service-oriented and have a strong commitment to the work of Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite Disaster Service. We also value the ministries of our church camp, Crooked Creek Christian Camp in Washington, Iowa, and support the camp in many ways.

We are also active locally, as we try to meet the challenge of our Mission Statement to be beacons of God’s love in our community and beyond. We have hosted a community chili cook-off and a golf tournament and are open to other creative ways to connect with our community. ZMC members and friends are individually active in a variety of local charities and non-profit groups, and as a church we appreciate and support the work of several local charities, like the North Lee County Food Pantry and the Emma Cornelis Hospitality House in Ft. Madison.

We are also very aware of our responsibility to nurture the faith of our members and friends, and put special effort into providing a variety of avenues for children to develop and express their faith. Besides traditional Sunday School classes, children and young adults also have many opportunities to participate in our worship services and mission projects, and young people are even invited to serve on church committees. Keep browsing to learn more about our committment to nurturing the faith of our members and friends!

We are very happy that you have taken a moment to read about our congregation on these pages, and we invite you to stop by for Sunday worship or another activity whenever you are able. Everyone is welcome!

Service Work

Members and friends of Zion Mennonite Church are committed to following Jesus’ example of serving others in love, locally and around the world. Our small congregation participates in many service activities throughout the year, and is committed to providing service opportunities for our children and youth so that they can experience the joy of helping others. While our service activities change somewhat from year to year, some of our more recent service projects are highlighted here.

North Lee County Food Pantry – ZMC regularly collects donations of cash and food for the North Lee County Food Pantry. From 2015-2017, the Mission Committee provided support and assistance for the Community Garden project started by Roberta Krehbiel in 2014. The harvest from the garden was donated to the North Lee County Food Pantry. The congregation also donated a butchered hog to the food pantry in 2015. In 2022, we hosted a golf tournament for the benefit of two area food pantries and raised over $3200!

Emma Cornelis Hospitality House – ZMC occasionally collects donations of personal care items, cleaning supplies, and other items for the use of residents of the Emma Cornelis Hospitality House in Ft. Madison, Iowa.

Sunday School MCC Projects – For many years, the Sunday School children have worked together to plan and organize fundraisers for Mennonite Central Committee.

Other Mission Projects – ZMC collects food and supplies for food baskets for families in the Central Lee school district twice each year, and collects school supplies for MCC school kits each year. We also collect canned and paper goods for the food pantry.

Service trips for high school youth and young adults – ZMC is committed to providing opportunities for our high school and college age youth to participate in service projects through MDS, whenever we have an interested group of youth. In 2014, seven youth and six adults worked at the Staten Island MDS site for one week helping rebuild homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy; you can read about their experience here. In 2006, ten youth and four adults worked at the MDS site in Buras, Louisiana to help with clean up from Hurricane Katrina.


720 Park St. Donnellson, IA 52625
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 177

(319) 835-9420